Saturday, January 30, 2010


Since the temperature outdoors has been so brutally cold, too cold for delicate-me to venture out and take pictures, here's a collage of my pesto making day last September.

As soon as August is over it's a great time to hit the Farmers Market and pick up big bunches of Basil for a mere $2 per bunch.

That evenings pasta dinner was delicious. I filled several large containers full, plus filling 2 ice-cube trays with pesto. I've since popped cubes of pesto out when making various stews and fish dishes.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

Pink hearts

Zoe in Atlanta

Coffee with strangers

Somewhere in Atlanta. Note: Electronics at the table, 2 Apple laptops, 1 ipod, 4 iphones, 2 Canon cameras.

Big head in Atlanta

Superman has an enormous head.